Wednesday 14 May 2014
Our Housemaids Posted at 4:05 pm 0 comments (+)
If you ask me, our experiences with housemaids were almost never pleasant, so if you stumbled upon this post and condemn me for ranting about them, I don't really care. My period is coming in two days; I'm not quite feeling well down there. I have so much stuff in my head that I just have to get this one out so the negative vibes will disappear and I can move on to the other stuff in my head (a lot of beauty things that I can't wait to share wit' u!) Below are some of the memorable housemaids (not arranged chronologically because my memory is that bad lol) during this family's lifetime:

  • My parents have been hiring housemaids since we were babies so basically we grew up depending on them for house work. Back then we'd each have one maid for my two siblings and I: An old but kindly woman for my brother, a long-haired teenage girl for my younger sister, and my maid turned out to be the worst of them all. CUE MY SAD FACE AND TEARY-EYES AS I TYPE THIS lol I remember so many bad things! Whenever my parents leave for work, our maids would usually laze around and watch TV. The old woman would usually get up first from the couch and clean, the long-hair would go out and play with my sister, and I'm forced to sit with my maid while she watches TV (I don't quite remember what it was but it was boring for me.) One time, my sister and I out asked our maids to buy 4 ice candies, and while we were eating them, a drop of ice candy fell to my lap and stained my clothes and she pinched me so hard it hurt! *Heavy breathing* there were lots of times when she shampoos my hair and the shampoo gets into my eyes and she wouldn't even bother rinsing them off! She grumpily puts my clothes on and doesn't care if it's too tight or too lose. And she screams at me a lot for no reason at all. I'm pretty sure there were other circumstances of her evilness because my Mom told me! I AM SO FORGETFUL MOST OF THE TIME.  The worse part is, when my parents are at home SHE ACTS SO HEAVENLY TOWARDS ME. It gets me pissed up until now whenever I remember it. I was a little girl then, around 2-3 years old. I don't remember much which is TOO FREAKING bad. Fast forward to me at 9 years old and my Dad introduced me to her again, asking me if I remember her. You know what I just did? Because my favorite show was on and I was too giddy to care, I only smiled at her and said Hi. WTAF. I just realized that I should've bitch-slapped her for all those harsh times. LOL, I\M PISSED NAO.
  • There was a time when we had this maid who was EXTREMELY LAZIER THAN OUR ASSES. She just sits on the couch all day and watches the then-popular show, Rosalinda. I remember when my Grandma visited our old home and she-wait for it- asked my Grandma to WASH ALL THE DISHES. Uhm. Wtaf?! That wasn't the only time. Once, my Mom asked her to sweep the floor and she forgot to do it because she was, again, watching Rosalinda. My Mom ended up sweeping the floors HERSELF because she couldn't stand the dirt! FUCK, RIGHT? Hahahaha. Of course she didn't stay that long; all of us were so happy she was gone.
  • Another time, my parents hired two maids (we were around 9-13 yrs. old by that time, still three of us.) who are siblings. House work-wise, they were okay; the only big problem was that they're the fangirl-types, and back then, Meteor Garden was a huge hit. So of course, their house work came less and less of quality and more Dao Ming Xi-Vic Zhou-Vaness-Ken LOL. I remember waking up early in the morning, finding them in the living room, cleaning sofas while the TV was on and they were scanning channels of possible Meteor Garden appearances. WTF. It was so hilarious, how they were so fans of everything and everyone. I had this F4 poster I got in World Trade back then, and they asked if they could have it, only to tape the poster on the ceiling so they have something to look at when they're going to sleep!!! HAHAHA. When it's not Meteor Garden, it's those local movies on Cinema One/PBO hahaha! My Dad eventually noticed it too and became unsatisfied with their work, so he let them go. I wonder where they are now that Meteor Garden is back in airing...
  • One of the worst is when my Dad hired 3 helpers in the house and stole a ton of cash that belonged to my aunt. I don't remember much of it (huuhhh sawry), but it's also because my Mom wouldn't let us know about the whole detail of it. They had this alibi going on for 2 weeks or so, and I remember coming home from school and there were all these police officers taking them out of the house. There was a big and curly-haired woman (who later came to work in the house again only to go again because my Mom never liked her lol), a short woman in her early-twenties, gangsta-like and one of my most hated maids (she told her folks that she was dating my Dad  like WTAF EWW), and a gay helper. Ugh, baddies. And they liked drinking outside our backdoor during the night.
  • We had a housemaid who left us (and the house gate open) in the middle of the night, while my parents were out in a get-together party and we were asleep. My Mom was super mad about it and burst, lol.
  • There was this house maid who secretly used all my Mom's cosmetics whenever she was out.
  • We also had a hyperactive house maid, who my sister hated because she startles her. But now that we look back, we kinda want her again! Maybe we'd be laughing together now that we've ~matured~, lol.
  • Few years ago my Dad hired a woman to work for us (uhm, duh.) How do I put this?? I asked her some stuff and found out she only finished until 3rd grade and she hasn't learned since then. So when I told my Dad, we all went pretty gentle with her on house chores. One time my Dad carefully instructed her how to go and shop at the market, and she got lost going back (even thought the market was just one straight-route to our house) and my Dad had to find her in a police station because she couldn't instruct the officers well. There was also this one time, I was chatting with my Mom through Skype and she saw it, and she freaked out because it's the first time she saw another person on a computer. She didn't even know what a computer is and what it does. Sigh.
Too much palpak house maids in the span of 15 years! Most of them were let go from the house because a.) stealing stuff from us; b.) too lazy to work and get shit done; c.) bad quality of work; d.) flirted a tricycle-driving-boyfriend and got pregnant; e.) ratchet fights with my Mom; f.) My younger sister was once a bitch and when she dislikes a maid she DISS LIKES her. (Whut???)

When the three of us got into high school and Nina in elementary, my Dad decided to hire just one house maid. This time, our maids were better but stayed not longer (at most 2 years.) The family life has changed since my parents separated (no emotional puns intended), so it's all my Dad paying for the service and stuff. I guess they got tired of working in our house and unsatisfied with their salary so they came up with excuses to leave.

  • I got pregnant.
  • I found a husband.
  • My Husband wants me to stay at home from now on.
  • (Summer) I'm going to attend my son's/daughter's graduation... (After Summer) I'm not going back anymore because my Husband wants me to stay at home from now on.
  • A family member died. My return will depend on my relatives' moods.
  • I'm going to pursue my studies.
  • Staying overnight at a friend's house. Never going back.
  • and back then, the house maids would bluntly tell my Dad that it's because we're lazy. HEH.
I'm not saying they're probably lying if they tell you this, because it might be true after all. It pisses me off whenever I remember that our house maids had to come up with ridiculous lies just so they could get out. I'd rather hear the "Because they're so lazy and they don't help around!" reason than all the other bullshit. And yes, I do admit that we're EX-TREME-LY LAZY. But I have my reasons for that! Even my Dad can't seem to not have a maid because he knows we have school and he has work and that stuff. I know, you study and have work too and yet you can ~house chores~, but we can't. I personally think it's because each of us have too many things going on, whether or not they're actually productive. 

I try to help out, I really do. But when I help out the maid would go "It's alright, let me do it." so I let them. Also, when I try to help out they'd scold me for doing it wrong or not properly and they take the job from me. So what was I supposed to argue? Even my Dad thinks that we do an even better job at the house as a family, if only we weren't so preoccupied with our own. Aside from loading my phone and slicing fruits for breakfast (and the house work, of course), that's all we ever ask of our house maid. Sometimes we ask to clean fans, and our rooms. But most of the time, it's my younger sister who cleans our room so not much work for the maid on our part! I'm a private person so I really don't like the house maid to touch my things (even see them.) So.... What was it that they're complaining again?

We're not exactly on the same side but this is me and that's you. If we are, CAN YOU FEEL MY DISDAIN. Why do they badly want it and then un-want it? LOL. My head hurts. There were good ones, of course. I forgot what else to say so I'm ending it here. Err, I don't like lenght-y posts yet I post them.

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